Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Explorations, Experiences and EVS!!

Our very first outdoor task was a truly enjoyable one. Getting together in groups and setting out to explore nature around us was our task. We were left alone, with no one monitoring us, except a list of guidelines that were to be fulfilled. Trees were what our task was based on . We set out on our exploration and I went back to my school picnic days. As goes a popular saying , necessity is the mother of invention.  We had little resources, and a seemingly monumental task.  With a 12 cm ruler, we had to profile a tree and ironically the tree we chose was a gigantic one. Everyone in  our group got working, and looking at the kind of creative inputs everyone was giving, I realized how much there was to be learnt from others in my group. It was a great team effort but along with the fun, we also learnt quite a lot of things. We used our existing knowledge of maths, and art and creative writing all in one task.  My most favorite part about the task were the poems by each group, since these brought out the never seen poet in each one of them. Great first hand learning experience!!

We spent the latter half of the day discussing the lesser spoken about EVS. I had actually forgotten that EVS was a subject that was taught in school, so revisiting school in trying to remember what EVS actually consisted was and relating it to what we have learnt in the last few days was interesting. But today I realized that EVS is in fact an extremely important subject that sadly hasn’t been given its due. I always considered it as a sidey sort of a subject that only served as a break from the heavy duty ones. But today, after discussing in length about the subject ,I realized that EVS is the first time students are introduced to the environment around them and they start relating themselves with the environment.  I awakened to the fact that EVS holds its own and is in fact deserving of far more weightage and importance than what is given presently.

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